
In Çekmeköy Çözüm Akademi Secondary School which is located in Istanbul, there are 21 teachers and 4 of them are teachers of English. There are 240 students. These students’ levels of education is Level 1 and Level 2.

Although we do not have any project experience as a school, we are quite enthusiastic for this project. The students and the teachers in our school desire to develop a mission and vision by carrying out a project in Europe with our students and teachers. With this project, our goals are to equip students with 21st century skills they will need in the future, to encourage them to be sensitive citizens to global problems, to ensure the internationalization of our institution and our staff, to exchange good practices and exchange ideas with our partners.

Teachers at our institution occasionally participate in the local and online activities of the CleanSea Association. Our students are involved in coastal cleanup activities on the shores of the Marmara Sea. We have in-curricular / extra-curricular programs to draw attention not only to the cleanliness of the coasts, but also to the sustainability of aquatic creatures. However, our students are trying to learn web 2.0 tools through their eTwinning projects. So far, we have covered a wide variety of topics such as: Biodiversity Water pollution Recycling Sustainable Development In our programs, we use techniques such as creating comics, interactive content, environmental measurements, and laboratory experiments, and we try to increase students’ water literacy.